Executive committee
The Executive Committee is the supervisory body for the execution of the project. The Executive Committee reports to and is accountable to the General Assembly. Executive Committee meetings will take place at least four times a year and quorum is 2/3 of members. A representative of the EDCTP will observe the Committee meetings.
Augustin Augier (ALIMA)
General Assembly
The General Assembly (GA) is the ultimate decision making body of the ALERRT Consortium and consists of one voting member from each ALERRT partner institution. Meetings of the GA will be held at least once a year and quorum is 2/3 of voting members.
Augustin Augier (ALIMA)
Jimmy Whitworth (LSHTM)
Johan van Griensven (ITM)
Richard Njoum (CPC)
Laurence Baril (IPM)
Serge Djorie (IPB)
Mariam Mama Djima (IPCI)
Kathryn Maitland (IC)
Stephan Günther (BNITM)
Viet-Thi Tran (UPD)
Xavier Anglaret (PAC-CI)
Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum (INRB)
International Scientific Advisory Board
The International Advisory Board (IAB) advises the General Assembly and Executive Committee on the performance of ALERRT, its output and its collaboration with and embedment in international initiatives. IAB members have access to all non-confidential project information and are allowed to participate in General Assembly meetings upon invitation but do not have any voting rights.
International Advisory Board member (Area of expertise / affiliation)
Herman Goossens (Clinical Research / Lead of PREPARE)
Myriam Henkens (MSF)
Godfrey Tangwa (Ethics)
Ibrahima Soce Fall (AFRO)
John Nkengasong (Africa CDC)
Julienne Anoko (Social Science)
Christian Brechot (Former President of the Institut Pasteur)