The ALERRT objectives are:
- To establish a clinical research network that can design and rapidly implement ICH-compliant, high quality, large-scale, multi-site clinical studies in preparation for and response to outbreaks in sub-Saharan Africa
- To establish a laboratory network with the capabilities to provide integrated support to clinical research in preparation for and response to outbreaks in sub-Saharan Africa
- To develop and implement a scalable, GCP-compliant, robust data management/ICT infrastructure suitable for resource-poor settings in sub-Saharan Africa
- To establish a ‘response framework’ that alleviates administrative, regulatory and ethical bottlenecks and ensures ALERRT can act swiftly to initiate research
- To enhance and maintain the operational research capacity of the ALERRT network by developing and implementing a training and capacity development programme
- To ensure that the actions of the network are relevant to, accepted and supported by local communities and that the results of the networks’ efforts have a sustainable impact on health through improved clinical practice and public health policy
- To establish ALERRT as a sustainable sub-Saharan Africa network that is linked to international networks and that synergises with, and contributes to, global health-security efforts